Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Miyabi Takut ke Jakarta.

30 November 2010

Hari ini gw baca koran harian POSKOTA, biasanya sih gw beli KOMPAS tapi hari ini ada aja gitu POSKOTA di ruang tamu tadi.. jadi, gw pikir ga ada salahnya baca juga buat update informasi sambil menikmati secangkir hangatnya kopi di pagi hari.. (ajiiibb) :)

Well, gw termasuk tipe orang yang suka baca koran dari belakang (ga tau kenapa). pas gw buka halaman belakang mata gw langsung menuju tulisan headline : "Miyabi Takut ke Jakarta" .

Dang! langsung lah gw penasaran.. kenapa lagi nih si mba mia. ckckck.
Ternyata rencana kedatangan Miyabi di demo Front Pembela Islam (FPI) di bandara. Menurut harian itu, demo ratusan anggota FPI di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta membuat bintang porno Maria Ozawa alias Miyabi batal bertandang ke Jakarta. (kaya tim sepak bola aje bertandang.hehe)

Oke, dengan alasan sistematis dan kenyamanan pembaca, gw akan mengkutip poin-poin krusial (aduh bahasanya..) dan pikiran serta perasaan gw waktu baca berita itu di koran. Here we go!

Sumber : Harian POSKOTA edisi 30 November 2010 hal.12

Poin 1 :

"Saya jamin Miyabi nggak bakal berani turun ke Indonesia. Kita sudah menggerakan 500 anggota ke Bandara Soekarno-Hatta untuk mencegat Miyabi,” ucap Habib Umar Salim, Ketua DPD FPI, kemarin." Menurutnya, jika bintang porno asal Jepang itu memaksa memberanikan diri turun dari pesawat dan menuju Jakarta, maka anggota FPI lainnya siap memaksanya untuk kembali ke negaranya.

Tanggapan gw pas baca :
1. Memaksa dengan cara apa yah? *berpikir keras
2. Sebenernya tujuan miyabi itu bertandang ke Jakarta dalam rangka apa ya? Liburan? Maen film? apa nantang PERSIJA? (*eh?)
kalau misalkan doski mau liburan kenapa musti di demo gtu? kalau misalkan mau maen film-film hantu bergenre esek-esek dan dapat menimbulkan citra buruk perfilman indonesia serta mencoreng nama baik indonesia gw juga kurang setuju! (meski ga sampe demo juga, paling kalo beneran keluar film nya di bioskop dengan judul murahan kya "Hantu Miyabi Yahud" atau "Kuntilanak XXX" sudah dipastikan gw blacklist dari daftar film yang gw mau tonton) ahh.. jadi keinget kan gw belom nonton Harry Potter. (terus kenapa?) Untuk kemungkinan dia ketiga yang pengen menantang PERSIJA, hmm.. gw no comment.

Poin 2 :

"Seandainya Miyabi turun, bakal kita angkut, bakal kita suruh naik lagi ke pesawat, kita suruh pulang. Tidak ada toleransi, tanah Indonesia nggak boleh diinjak bintang porno siapa pun juga" tambahnya.

Tanggapan gw saat baca :
1.WOW!! diangkut.. caranya gimana tuh ngangkut doi? mau doong bantuin ngangkut.. LOL.
2. "tanah Indonesia nggak boleh diinjak bintang porno siapa pun juga". Sekali lagi, kalo niatnya liburan, dengan cara yang legal, bukankah dara kelahiran 8 Januari 1986 itu dilindungi oleh Undang-undang yah? (CMIIW yaa) kaya di film A2C itu lhoo.. pas scene di kereta. tau kan? tau? pasti tau deh.. ga tau? silahkan nonton lagi. (zz)

Poin-poin di atas cukup menggambarkan gw rasa bahwa di Indonesia ternyata masih banyak orang-orang yang masih berpikiran sempit dan kadang skeptis tentang hal-hal kya gini. Dikit-dikit demo. Dikit-dikit anarkis.. Ga heran deh klo Indonesia sekarang jadi banyak masalah. Omongan kasar dan tindakan perusakan sering kali dijadikan alat untuk memecahkan masalah.
Demo boleh sih asal tetap tertib dan mengindahkan hak-hak orang lain. Betul??

I wanna buy something for her.

November 30th 2010.

Today is the 6th day of my working day. Yes. I am an employee now. I work in AIESEC Indonesia (www.aiesec.org/indonesia) based on Fatmawati. Actually i work under AIESEC Indonesia supervisor because i am handling one of its project, named South East Asia Conference 2011 (www.aiesec-seac.org) . I am working as Vice President of Logistics there. Kinda fun and challenge also. :)

Well, sure i'll get my pay for this job. My plan is, hmm.. i wanna save my money, little by little until it reach amount that can buy something for my mom. I wanna buy her a washing machine. Preferably like this one.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

3rd language. what's yours?

3rd language? what is it?
3rd language is common known as the language that you capable of or learn of beside your mother language and international language, i mean English.
Firstly, there are 4 languages that used in United Nation (UN). Which are English, Mandarin, Russian and French. But, in 1973 there are 2 more languages that approved as international languages, which are Spanish and Arabic.

According to The Ministry of International Affair of Indonesia, 7 other languages that useful to face the globalization now. They are Russian, Dutch, German, French, Arabic, Japanese, and Mandarin.

I do realized that to face the world now, we should capable of those international languages.
So, i try to learn French for now. Why i chose French (whereas my mother told me that i should take learn of Mandarin, to face the "world" indeed :)) for my 3rd languages?

1. Firstly, of course it's a one of basic language which is known in UN,
2. Secondly, i plan to take a scholarship in my major that most people said it has a good quality if you take in France, (but, still in my dream :))
3. Next is, i plan to apply a job in The Ministry of International Affair of Indonesia. (yea.. it's one of the benefit if you could speak in other language, isn't?
4. The last is.. i really love of France! i love the view, i love the people, i love those french name : Chantal, Pierre, Jean, Florence (of course, you should spell those names through your nose):), place.., language.., gesture.., and LOVE FRANCE BREAD! hahaha :):)

So folks, what's yours?

Monday, May 31, 2010


what's wrong with November?

Oxford Learner's Pocket Dictionary says that November is November (n) : the eleventh month of the year. (yes, everybody knows, so what? hahaha )

Well, according to wiki, november is the 11th month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of four Gregorian months with the length of 30 days. November retained its name (from the Latin novem meaning "nine") when January and February were added to the Roman calendar.

November starts on the same day of the week as February in common years, and March every year.
November is associated with the month of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere and Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore November in the Southern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent of May in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa.

Few people find November pleasant. The Anglo-Saxons called November 'Wind monath', because it was the time when the cold winds began to blow. They also called it 'Blod monath', because it was the time when carnival charactercattle were slaughtered for winter food. The poet T.S. Elliot called it 'Sombre November'. Sir Walter Scott, in his long poem Marmion, wrote in 1808:

November's sky is chill and drear,
November's leaf is red and sear (withered)'

The first week of November has always been a time of festivals and celebrations marking the end of the harvest and beginning of Winter.

Now, how the character of people who was born in november?
Abah Rahman (paranormal) says on skalaindonesia.com that people who was born in November usually has these personalities : patience, perseverance in working, skilled and agile, especially in jobs that require accuracy and placement. Smart pleasing others and good-hearted, especially in people who already known closed. He/She was also generous about common problems.

Then, who was born in November?
(*ngacung) me too.
So, now you know, who I am or what I am. The November Guy. :)
It’s just a beginning folks, I will continue this posting very soon..
Catch you all later, keep writing.. :)